Headlands Safari Friday

friday-sunrise-4 It was a chilly Friday morning. Luckily I made it out onto the trail just as my light was about to die, the sun slowly rising to reveal some really interesting wildlife.


This coyote sat at the base of a poached trail, and didn't mind that I stopped to take a few pictures. He/she must see people all the time. So calm and patient.



Just five hundred yards up the trail a family of deer ate their breakfast.



I think the days are getting shorter. Usually by the time I reach the bottom of the first descent the sun is already rising. However, this morning it stayed extra dark for longer than usual. I chased the sunrise, climbing to the top of Miwok before it hit the mountain tops. Gorgeous light.



My trusty steed got me to the top safely and quickly. I'm looking forward to this weekend. My friends have another epic group ride to the top of Mt. Tam and back all lined up. We've got a big crew ready to throw it down. Hopefully the weather holds up.