This morning I explored more of the northern coastline along Highway 1 before making the arduous climb back up to Mt. Tam. 60 miles and 5,500' of elevation gain later I was ready to head into the office for a sold half-day of work. I brought my GoPro with me, but found my power to be stuck on off. It was a shame, too because the views were spectacular. I loved all the rolling fog and mist burning off the ridge-line.
This would be my second time touring the southern end of Highway 1, which twists and turns, following the contour of the cliffs and ocean below. I didn't see many other riders in either direction, probably because the weather was so chilly and damp.
The weather usually doesn't deter me from riding, but as of late I've been finding it harder to muster the motivation to get out the door, but once I'm out I'm completely happy. I also love that once you get rolling your body gets to a perfect state of being warm and cool at the same time.
This was also the first major road ride I've done since building up my Open mountain bike. It was a nice change of pace. The 60 miles hardly phased me at all, granted I didn't push myself over the edge (too much).