After work I really wanted to jump on my bike to wake myself up, and to spin out my legs for a bit of recovery. I got maybe a half a block down the street and lost my motivation. I turned around and found myself meandering through a new part of our neighborhood. I followed a bike path that led me down to a nice little bay park, tucked just north of Hunter's Point.
It was such a cool spot. I followed a couple of dirt paths that looped around to another section of the park. I was hoping for an undiscovered network of trails, but found the park to be somewhat small. I was on my Open, having bled the brakes the other day I gave them a good test to make sure everything was working.
There was some epic fog happening over on the other side of the city. It was just this massive wall creeping over the hills. So thick it looked apocalyptic. The wind was really blowing as I turned around and made my way home. That was the shortest ride I've gone on in a long time.